Blender Green Smoothie or Juice

2014-02-16 14.13.08

Ok so it was really early in the morning and there wasn’t even any sunlight so this picture isn’t what I would have wanted it to be. Sowwy.

But on the bright side, I had a really tasty and super healthy smoothie. And you can too! It’s insanely easy. I could have made juice with my blender as well, I would just have to strain it through a sieve or some cheesecloth. Please refer back to the first sentence. Waaaay to early to break out the sieve. Jus sayin’.

Ok so you can use almost any combo of fruits and veggie that you like. (Side note: apples have lots of fiber so if you’re going to go the straining route you might wanna save yourself some unnecessary rage and anxiety and go easy on the apples). Here’s what I used:

2014-02-16 13.53.41

Now the juice part is totally optional. If you wanna be hardcore about your shit then just add water. But I’m a pussy about my shit so I add mango juice. Btw it is a scientific fact that I have mango in my DNA. I looooooooove mango. Aaaaanyway. Here:

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It’s really good! It tastes sweet because of all the fruits in there. You could add kale or many other types of fruits and veggies. Just go where the wind blows you. hehe … blows.

[yumprint-recipe id=’6′]