How to Make Green Juice Without a Juicer


So since I can’t afford a juicer right now. I just purchased a new dSLR which should arrive in a few days (!). This will make the pictures on this blog waaaaay better. I’ve been using my iPhone this whole time and I’m ready to take the plunge and invest in this blog! So stay tuned for waaaaaay better pics!

Anyway, so I wanted to make a juice with my blender and it turns out it’s actually very easy and doable. Not too time consuming at all.

So, I used a bunch of kale, grapes (not all of the grapes in the picture below, about half), an apple, the juice of 6 tangerines and 3 pieces of turmeric root (my new obsession, along with elephant garlic).


Clean and cut your ingredients like the picture below:


Squeeze the tangerine juice into the blender, then add all the other ingredients.

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Blend it, blend it, blend it. If it needs more liquid add whatever liquid tickles your fancy, or your casual.


Create a sophisticated straining apparatus thusly: 

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Strain and use a small spatula (or a spoon) to stir the last bits of liquid out of the pulp. Some people use the pulp in other recipes to prevent waste. I haven’t found a good use for my pulp yet, so unfortunately I just toss it in the trash. I’m very ashamed. If you use your juice pulp in another recipe, please do share in the comments section!

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I strain the juice twice just to be annoying. And then I drink the juice to be healthy. It’s nice and sweet with a slight spicy kick in the end from the turmeric. Really good and good for you!

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