Citrus Roasted Drumsticks

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These drumsticks are a go-to recipe for me when I want something quick, easy and light but with some substance. You know what I mean?

I hope so.

Also the onion thing is something new I tried because two onions landed that way on the chicken accidentally, but it looked cool, so I was like OMG this is a sign from the universe so I’m gonna arrange the rest of them like that and it will change the world as we know it! What I’m trying to say is that you don’t have place the onions on the chicken if you’re not a fan of onions. I usually just use them in the marinade for flavor.

Which brings me to the marinade. You’ll need the following items:

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Spices from left to right: garlic powder, onion powder, turmeric, red chili flakes, seasoned salt and black pepper.

You also need half an onion and an orange, lemon and lime. 

And oil.

And drumsticks. You need drumsticks, a.k.a chicken legs.

Ew….but… yum.

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By the way, drumsticks are a great choice for cheap meat, especially if you’re buying organic. They also are less than 200 calories each. I love drumsticks. 

I like marinating things in ziploc bags because it coats the meat more evenly and it’s also much neater and cleaner.

Place the drumsticks in the bag:

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Add a teaspoon of all the spices, except the red chili flakes and S&P. That’s up to you and how spicy and salty you like things, as we all know how personal these things can be. 

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Roughly chop the onion and cut open all the citrus.

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Then add the onion, citrus juices and the citrus themselves to the bag.

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roasted drumsticks 22 And finally the oil, as much as your gut instinct tells you to use. My gut said about a 1/4 cup.

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Next you should take a picture of the liquid in the bag.

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Then you should notice how much lighter than usual it looks and frantically realize you forgot to include the paprika. A tablespoon of paprika which adds an unmistakable flavor and color. Beat yourself up about it and angrily take a picture of the paprika:

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Add the paprika while cursing under your breath.

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Seal the bag, trying to let out as much air as possible.

Take your frustrations out on the chicken when you mix it all up to ensure even distribution and maximum contact with the chicken.

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Feel better about the situation and the world at large and place the bag in a leak proof container and into the fridge to marinate for at least 30mins – overnight. The longer it marinates the better it gets.

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Once they’ve muurinated place them on a wire rack on a lined baking sheet.

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This is right after my onion epiphany, I really thought I was on to something.

Cook in a 400F degree oven for 45mins-1 hour or until chicken is cooked through.

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Enjoy with the onion or remove it. I removed the onions and gently placed them in my mouth. Then I had the chicken with some sautéed spinach

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